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Chris Ramirez and his service dog Bobby. Chris served in the U.S. Marine Corps, 1995-2008 (Afghanistan).

Service dog and training provided by Operation Freedom Paws.


Heal! Veterans and Their Service Dogs

“I’ve actually met a lot of veterans and the first thing I tell ’em is, ‘You need to set your pride aside.’ Pride’s the biggest barrier we have. I went through a long time of, ‘I’m okay. I’ve got a job. I’m not homeless. I’m not divorced. I’m not doing drugs. I’m managing.’ But, once you set aside that pride, you can just say, ‘I know I need some help.’ It gets a lot easier.

“I’ve had people who hadn’t seen me in a couple months since I got Bobby say, ‘Hey you look relaxed.’ It’s completely different.

“There are still times where it’s rough but with Bobby and my family I’m able to make it through things. I still have my difficulties but I feel like I can do whatever I need to.”

– Chris Ramirez

View video clips of Chris and Bobby.

Heal! Veterans and Their Service Dogs

Heal! Veterans and Their Service Dogs

Heal! Veterans and Their Service Dogs

Heal! Veterans and Their Service Dogs

Heal! Veterans and Their Service Dogs

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